Foundation and Mission
„MEPCO is a dynamic successful company building tailored feasible solutions
to local problems through a track record of proven expertise and continuous
sharing of best practices.
MEPCO is becoming one of key partners to local,
regional and state governments and their associations in the Czech Republic
and abroad. It helps them to govern well and fulfill the mission of
improving quality of life of their citizens and achieving high standards in
public service provision at reasonable costs.”
MEPCO (International Advisory Centre of Municipalities) was established in 2004 as a joint venture of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic and the company VNG International, a daughter company of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities. The key objective of throughout our company is to support local and regional authorities whilstaddressing their quality assurance and quality control of services rendered. In addition, MEPCO offers Czech good governance know-how in the international market.
MEPCO provides consulting, management, training and research services to local governments and regions, their institutions and associated businesses throughout the Czech Republic. The company applies modern management methods in the fields of strategic planning, performance assessment (balanced scorecard, CAF – common assessment framework, benchmarking) and project management.
MEPCO also offers experience and know-how in public administration in the international market with a focus on new EU accession or non-member countriesin Eastern and Southeast Europe.
MEPCO is experienced in projects related to fostering international cooperation and dissemination of good governance across Europe. Inthe developmental projects, consideration is givenprimarilyto countries of Eastern and Southeast Europe. Moreover, MEPCO actively supports the engagement of Czech municipalities and education institutions in international projects that highlight thesharing of experience and know-how. MEPCO delivers organization of tailor made conferences and events for the selected projects as well.
Společnost získala akreditaci vzdělávacího programu průběžného vzdělávání pro úředníky a vedoucí úředníky
Komunitární programy a programy územní spolupráce EU – Příležitosti a možnosti pro obce a města
RegPol2: Výzva pro podání přihlášek na seminář “The 3rd RegPol² School” – pro PhD studenty
Navštivte seminář v rámci Evropského Habitatu: „Jak mohou obce na svém území podporovat udržitelný rozvoj?”
Podpora sociální ekonomiky ze strany obcí – téma poslední studijní cesty do Nizozemska
MEPCO se aktivně podílí na vytváření metodik a manuálů pro nové programové období 2014+