Principles of our work
At MEPCO, we follow seven basic principles:
1. Practical application of theoretical knowledge
We draw practical experience and theoretical knowledge from of our consultants. Professional and managerial positions covered by our consultants are always optimally occupied, taking into account previous work experience and completed studies.
2. Comprehensive solutions tailored to the real needs of local government/office
We begin with client interviews to determine all activities including long-term/short-term needs. We strive to provide more than one possible customized solution with the objective that at the end of the process, our client becomes the owner.
3. "Collegial approach"
We work mutually with political leaders of public institutions, senior management, experts and officials. Based on this collegial approach, we attempt to find and implement solutions together. Oftentimes, many become part of our teams.
4. Ensuring sustainable results
Sustainability of projects especially soft and innovative ones, is one of the most important aspects of the project cycle. Maintaining regular communications on the progress of activities coupled with pre-determined realistic expectations ensure that the outcomes are usable. In this way, organizations are naturally motivated to use applications with adequate resources.
5. Innovative approaches tested abroad
As a subsidiary of Czech and Dutch Union of Municipalities, MEPCO has direct access to new European trends, practices and innovative projects implemented abroad. We strive to generate appropriate and proven projects, tested by experience.
6. Dissemination of best practices
We believe that sharing best practices is the most effective way of solving problems. We search for examples of best practices and ways of their presentation. At the same time, we are open to discussing non-successes whether at home or abroad, in order to learn from mistakes.
7. Working with talent
We work with professionals that enjoy their work and are ready to share their valuable experience with learners. The method of "learning by doing" together accompanied by appropriate education is according to our team the most efficient way to professional growth.
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