Project management
Many Czech municipalities have prepared development strategies which set forth development priorities, measures and specific activities to be performed. The tool to achieve these development strategies is often represented by different projects; their successful implementation requires a special process – project management.
MEPCO provides its clients (not only cities and municipalities) with comprehensive services in the areas of project management, respecting the standard rules of the project cycle. MEPCO focuses primarily on supporting the first two stages of project management: project creation and project implementation. It should be noted, as well, that MEPCO does offer services in the last stage – project evaluation.
Project Creation
Creating a project is the crucial stage of the project cycle because any deficiency in the project’s preparation might be later revealed in its implementation (usually with even greater intensity). Additionally, if projects do not meet long-term objectives and strategies, they do not bring the expected benefits.
In this stage, the focus is placed on problem identification, project planning and financing. MEPCO offers assistance with the following steps:
- Assessment of the feasibility and benefits of the project
- Analysis of possible funding options
- Analysis of stakeholders and their interests
- Formulating objectives, outputs and activities of the project
- Roadmap and the project team
- Risk assessment and sustainability of the project
Project Cycle
Project Implementation
Implementation of the project is based on the previous stage. The project is approved in this stage and is to be successfully implemented. At the onset of the project, it is necessary to propose and approvethe positions taken by members of the project team and to establish the preferred mode(s) of communication both within the project team as well as externally. A number of managerial tasks arenecessary during the daily management of the project:
- Management of the roadmap and timing of the project
- Budget management
- Modifications to the project in relation to changing needs
- Change management and risk
- Management of project documentation and publicity
- Monitoring and reporting
Project Evaluation
Project evaluation includes an assessment of the benefitsat the close ofthe project cycle. Ideally, it should generate ideas for future projects which beginnewproject cycles.
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